There are many things that you like or dislike, but asking them directly might make her feel uncomfortable.  So, in order to make your girlfriend feel important, you can start considering some trick questions to ask your girlfriend to know more about her character, personality, inner thoughts, feelings, and actions.  Also read: 75+ Tricky love questions to ask your girlfriend or boyfriend to test their love These Trap questions will not only test her love towards you but also bring you closer and also make her feel loved and special if she is sportive and respond to them with a matured mindset. Girls are always a tough nut to crack, especially when it comes to knowing their minds. Here are some of the best trick questions to ask your girlfriend some are funny, others are serious and test her love towards you:

Trick questions to ask your girlfriend

The following are some good trick questions to ask your girlfriend:

  1. If you weren’t dating me, who would you want to date?
  2. If I was given a chance to re-live my life, would you still be my girl?
  3. Do you think I can do anything for you?
  4. Are there any rules in our relationship where I need to improve myself so that I can grow better as a person or become a better partner for you?”
  5. If I died, would you remarry? Or would you be single for the rest of your life?
  6. What is the weirdest thing a boy has ever done to get your attention?
  7. If tomorrow will be the end of the world, what would you do today?
  8. If I had a million dollars and gave you half, what would you do with it?
  9. If I asked you to leave me, would you go?
  10. If you have a choice between me and your best friend, who would you choose?
  11. If I was offering free rides around town, would you take advantage?
  12. Would you ever consider going out with one of my friends if we didn’t work out?
  13. What do you think of “open relationsh#ps?”
  14. Would you go out with me if I were ugly and fat?
  15. When was the last time you lied to me? Also read: 150 Trap Questions to ask your girlfriend

Questions to trick your girlfriend

Here is a list of some good questions to trick your girlfriend: 16. Can you name some of my friends that you think are interesting to pursue?  17. Would you spend a night out with your girl’s best friend if I asked you to? 18. How would you feel if I lost my job?  19. What would be a good gift for someone I love very much?  20. Is it OK if I go out with my friends instead of spending time with you tonight? 21. Will you love me when I’m old and wrinkly?  22. How would you rate my personality? 23. Will you always be faithful to me even if I am not?  24. Do you like it when I go against your will and do whatever I want for the rest of my life?  25. Are there any secrets that I should know about you or your past relationships that might upset me if I found out later down the road? 26. Why do you want to marry me? 27. Who’s more attractive, me or my best friend?  28. Would you tell me if I gained some weight?  29. Which feature of mine do you like most and in which person you will find the rest of the features? 30. If I asked you to marry me today, what would your answer be? Also read: 900+ Questions to ask people to get to know them better

Best Trick questions to ask your gf

Here is a list of Tricky questions for your girlfriend 31. What’s the deal with your best friend? Are you two dating or what? 32. Do you think it’s wrong to date a guy who is still in love with his ex? 33. Would you rather be smart and ugly or dumb and beautiful? 34. What would be the first thing you would do if I died? Move on or try to find someone just like me? 35. Who do you think am I most visually similar with? 36. Can you sleep in the same bed with someone of the opposite s#x and still be faithful to your partner? 37. Do I make you happy? 38. Which do you like more – giving gifts or receiving gifts? 39. Who do I remind you of when we are together? 40. How much time do I spend in your mind every single day? 41. Do you like what you see when you look at me?  42. What do you think about love marriage or arranged marriage? 43. What if I said that I didn’t love you anymore, would you believe me and leave or would you stay with me forever? 44. Have you ever cheated on someone and how did it feel? (If she says yes, ask her why she would do something like that.) 45. What is the one thing that people always misunderstand about you and that turns out to be they are right of course? Also read: 100 Trap Questions for boyfriend

Tricky questions to ask a girl

Here is a list of Trick questions to ask a girlfriend 46. Do you usually find it easy to forgive people who have wronged you? 47. Do you like being by yourself? 48. Which of my friends do you think is hot? 49. If I cheated on you, would you stay with me or would you dump me right away? 50. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say ‘love’? 51. Do you have any idea about whom I love the most in this life? 52. Do you think money can buy happiness? 53. Would you stop all contact with your ex if I told you, I don’t like it? 54. Do you think past matters in a relationship? 55. Who was the guy/girl who hurt or betrayed you the most? 56. What is the one thing that would make me unattractive to you? 57. Do you think have I ever fallen in love with you? 58. Why am I your favorite person in the world? 59. What three qualities are necessary for any future spouse? 60. Do you ever feel jealousy when I talk to other girls or go hang out with them? 61. What is the one thing that makes me more attractive to you? 62. If I were to ask you for a k#ss, what would your answer be? 63. How many things do you like about me? 64. Who do you want to marry if you don’t want to marry me? 65. What was the first thing that attracted you in me? 66. If you found out that you will die soon, what would be your last wish? 67. If I gave you a million dollars, what would be the first thing that you would buy for me with it? 68. What would be the first thing that you would do, if we ever broke up? 69. If you had a chance to send me anywhere in this world, where would it be and why? 70. What does my smile look like to you? 71. Have I ever made your heart flutter with excitement just looking at me? Tell me more about it! 72. If we were in a movie theater, and I wanted to do it, what would you want me to do? 73. Would you leave me for a celebrity that really likes you? 74. When was the last time you thought of me or talked about me and for what reason? 75. Would you dare to hang out with my boss, If he offers to increase my salary for that?

Funny trick questions to ask your girlfriend

Here is a list of Funny Tricky questions to ask your girlfriend:

  1. Which way did you first look when you were born?
  2. If I died, would you find someone else or wait for me to come back as a ghost?
  3. What was the first thing you put in your mouth when you were born?
  4. If someone gave you a penny, what would you want them to also give you?
  5. What did you wish for when blowing out your birthday candles last year?
  6. If you had to die right now by choking on something what would it be and why?
  7. If I asked you to change your gender would you?
  8. Do you think you were a boy when you were a child?
  9. Why do I think I don’t see a future together with you but with { insert your girlfriend’s name}?
  10. Do you know I am not your boyfriend anymore? (wait for her reaction) after that reveal that you are going to be her husband.

Final thoughts:

The most important part of a relationship is to tell each other the truth and be honest about everything. Sometimes, girls give out hints about their feelings and actions to guys and it is up to the guy to pick them up. If not, do not worry. If you have doubts, The above list of trick questions to ask your girlfriend to test her love for you. These trick questions will help you get the answers you want from your girlfriend in an indirect way. Hope these trick questions will help you understand your relationship better and on a deeper level than before. We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.