If so, you cannot help but wonder “Why are we here?” “Where did we come from?” While science has proposed theories of creation, There are many other great thinkers who proposed their own theories to answer the question about the intersection of creation, existence, and god. Questions about God? Who isn’t curious about him? Anyone who has pondered on this entity. Most likely, everyone. There are so many questions as to who God is. This is due to the fact that one cannot describe a being that is beyond understanding.  As humans we can find no answer to the question of who God is because our minds are limited by our own creation, if existence and god were one would the mind then be able to truly understand? What if we are all asking the wrong questions about the universe? What if it’s not about god, creation, existence, the universe, or the cosmos? What if it’s just “BEING” or to “BE”? Without further ado, Let’s explore all the meaningful questions about god, life, and its entire existence. I have written Some powerful God questions that make you think and reconsider your life. Continue reading to check the full list. Related Questions: 500+ Philosophical questions on various topics.

Questions about God

List of questions about god. ’Man’s search for meaning’ is a book written by Victor E Frankl. Frankl was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust concentration camp survivor.  In the book, he outlines his theory of logotherapy — a form of existentialist philosophy that justifies the ways human beings can find meaning in life, even when faced with extreme suffering and impossible choices (like whether to save yourself or your children).  As a curious person myself, it prompted me to wonder about the nature of god — both in terms of the Christian God and the concept of a creator — all that stuff about who/what we came from. I started asking questions like who created god?, if god created us, did it create itself? Let’s explore some more questions about creation. Here is the list:

Questions about Creation

List of questions about creation Again, What is God? Is god a human construct? Does god exist within the universe, as part of creation or outside of it? Did God create the universe? The answers to these seemingly simple questions, which are still being debated by people today.  These questions, simply end on two different ends of a long dispute. Each end is attached to a complex history and belief structure. The questions and discussions have often been heated – and sometimes downright spiteful. Here is a list of further questions about existence that are worth wondering about.

Questions about Existence

List of questions about existence What is the meaning and purpose of life? Is there a God? Does God exist? What if he does exist? Are we alone in this universe?  Unfortunately, I think the answer to all these questions is no. The universe is huge and we are just yet another planet orbiting the sun.  It’s absolutely insane that anyone could believe this world was created by an omniscient creator God who knows everything we’re thinking and saw us growing up from inside our mother’s womb.

Questions about Universe and cosmos

List of questions about universe and cosmos. We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.